Saturday 24 March 2012

A Prayer Of Hope

A Prayer Of Hope. Every struggling soul is a light waiting to be turned on. Alone in the dark, afraid; wondering how life can be won. Feeling worthless and weak and withering and wasting away. Like a dead flower which once blossomed in the sunlit day. Worry not my dear friend, fear not, as I know your plight. I know that you must never ever give up the fight. You just need that chance to shine, to smile again. You need that love and kindness, so you can refrain, From your darkness and loneliness and fear and despair. It starts with the first step as every journey begins there. As the seconds turn in to minutes, the months in to years, Distant will be the memories of your sadness and tears. Your heart will be bursting with sunshine and gladness. As you smile and chuckle at the irony of Life's madness. Now you are on your way to walking the road of happy destiny. You inspire me, make me proud, just bring out the best in me. Keep walking the road my friend, for it is long and open and free. The world is a fine and beautiful place as you can now see. Never lose faith dear friend, just one day at a time. Remember well, those days when you hardly had a dime. From that day to this, it shows that miracles can really come true. Be humble and kind and be thankful in everything that you do. Remember me always as I will never forget you. And to thine own self, always be true. That way God will always love you. My friend, until the end. By Mark Chapman.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Why movie remakes are a waste of time.

You see it in abundance these days. Big Hollywood remakes of classic films- Psycho, The Ring, A Nightmare On Elm Street, to name a few. It's a symbol that great movies are far and few between of late. I mean why would anybody really want to watch a remake??? What happens is the original film loses its meaning and style through crap camerawork, lame acting and a bit of nudity thrown in for good measure. Take Psycho for example the remake by Gus Van Sant. What was the point of remaking one of the most influential films of all time shot by shot but in colour and showing Norman Bates jacking off??? Its insulting to say the least. Hollywood is in danger at the moment. With the latest gimmicks of 3D movies and remakes to serve the MTV generation it would seem, the real art of film is dying here with far superior movies coming from Europe and Asia. I mean where are films in the league of The Usual Suspects or 2001 A Space Oddysey or say The Godfather or Apocalpyse Now? To put it bluntly, there is too much SHIT nowadays in Hollywood cinema. I want to see the former glory days return of classics again, not damned remakes. Remakes rarely if ever, surpass their predecessors. Stop insulting our intelligence. Or maybe it's indicative of today's younger generation of predominantly MTV viewers and banal reality shows. A generation who have mostly forgot what reading a book is. So come on Hollywood raise your bars. Raise the standard. Can we see some intelligent scripts, structure and potential Orson Welles calibre of directors again? The most prized asset of course working in Hollywood today is, in my view, Paul Thomas Anderson. I am excited to see his future works. And please Paul................... NO REMAKES!!!! As if.

By Mark Chapman.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Welcome To The World Of Mark Chapman.

Hi there welcome to my blog page. You will find my film reviews, my poetry and many other things to enjoy. Thanks. Mark Chapman.